Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Save Lebanon. You can make a difference!
(Please check the united we stand post for information on
how you can help and who you can talk to and read some of
the messages that we are getting in support of the Lebanese
people. Do not give up on us!)

Emergency Action to End the War on Lebanon Deliver a Letter to the
US Mission of the United Nations Join UFPJ and peace and justice activists:
Friday, July 21, 4 -5:30 PM140 East 45th Street
(between Third and Lexington Avenues)

We call for the Bush administration to:
* Support a Security Council resolution calling for an immediate andunconditional
* Urge negotiations now to resolve all disputes including the release ofprisoners on all sides
* Put an end to US blocking of UN action.

We will stage a picket outside the mission and deliver a letter signed by UFPJ andother peace and justice organizations.
(See text of letter below.)

While the world is crying out for global intervention to stop the bloodshed, we have been tremendously disappointed by the response from the Bush administration. And instead of rallying the international community to call for an immediatecease-fire to stop further bloodshed, it has blocked the UN efforts to do just that.We condemn all attacks on civilians, and call for the release of prisoners held onall sides in this conflict, including the Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah.But while Hezbollah violated international law by attacking Israel and then firingmissiles at Israeli cities, Israel's clearly disproportionate response is an act ofcollective punishment against the Lebanese population -- a serious violation ofinternational law.

On Friday, we will go to the US mission to hold our government accountable for theirnegligent response to this conflict. Please join us.

Letter to the Ambassador:
Dear Ambassador Bolton,
On behalf of United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), the largest antiwar coalition inthe United States, we want to express our concern over the escalating crisis betweenIsrael and Lebanon and urge you to support a Security Council resolution calling foran immediate and unconditional cease-fire.We are gravely concerned about the loss of lives on both sides. We condemn all attacks on civilians, and call for the release of prisoners held on all sides inthis conflict, including the Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah. But while Hezbollah violated international law by attacking Israel and then firing missiles atIsraeli cities, Israel's clearly disproportionate response is an act of collectivepunishment against the Lebanese population -- a serious violation of internationallaw.While the world is crying out for global intervention to stop the bloodshed, we havebeen tremendously disappointed by the response from the Bush administration. Insteadof using its influence on Israel to stop the devastating attacks on the Lebanese population, it has supported such attacks. And instead of rallying the internationalcommunity to call for an immediate cease-fire to stop further bloodshed, it hasblocked UN efforts to call for an immediate cease-fire.We urgently call on the Bush administration to work with international partners to broker an immediate and unconditional cease-fire and commence negotiations to peacefully resolve the crisis.We look forward to hearing your response.

Contributions to help the Lebanese victims on this bank account numberSGBL Sin El Fil001-004-361-236446-01-3SWIFT: SGLILBBXPoll:
Register your voice
Expose the ugly truth: send the images and the reality of what is happening on both sides to innocent civilians. How else is the world going to know?
Pray for us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank you for posting this
we're working on another protest soon
i'll keep you informed
stay strong halla
ouli ya rabb
i have a feeling it will be over soon. your father will be ok